Skjöldunga saga genealogical charts

III. Sources (original and translation) with Genealogical Charts and indices

1. Flateyjarbók,1 Hyndluljóð 29 (Family of Auðr in djúpúðga in Lay of Hyndla)*
2. Flateyjarbók, 1. Hversu Noregr byggðist (How Norway was Settled; Frá Fornjóti ok hans Ættmönnum, Of Fornjótr and His Kinsmen)
3. Flateyjarbók, 2. Ættartölur, Ættartala frá Höð (Lineage from Höðr)
4. Flateyjarbók, 3. Ættartölur, Ættartala (frá Álfi inum gamla, Lineage from Álfr the Old)
5. Flateyjarbók, 4. Ættartölur, Ættartala Haralds frá Óðni (Lineage of Haraldr from Óðinn, the Yinglings)*
6. Flateyjarbók, 5. Ættartölur, Ættartala (Lineage, the Skjöldungs)
7. Flateyjarbók, 6. Ættartölur, Ættartala Haralds frá Adam (Lineage of Haraldr from Adam, part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5)
8. Beowulf,2 Genealogy of the Scyldings
9. Beowulf, Genealogy of the Skylfings
10. Beowulf, Genealogy of the Geats
11. Chronicon Lethrense (11th century, Chronicle of Leire)
12. Sven Aggessøn (fl. 1187) Brevis Historia Regum Dacie (ca. 1187, Short History of the Danish Kings, part 1 and part 2)
13. Hervarar saga ok Heiðreks (R), Saga Heiðreks konungs ins vitra (H, U), Örvar-Odds saga (The Saga of Hervör and Heiðrekr, part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, and Örvar-Odds saga)
14. Bósa saga ok Herrauds, Gautreks saga, and Hrólfs saga Gautrekssonar
15. Snorri Sturluson (1178/79–1241), Ynglinga saga, Heimskringla (the Yinglings and the Skjöldungs in the Heimskringla, part 1, part 2, part 3, and part 4, plus a list of the children of Haraldr hárfagri according to the Heimskringla, and a chart of the Kings of Sweden in the Heimskringla)
16. Snorri Sturluson (1178/79–1241), Prose Edda, “Prologue,” part 1and part 2.
17. Hauksbók,3 Af Upplendinga konungum (Of the Kings of the Uplands).
18. Ari fróði Þorgilsson (1067–1148), the “Langfeðgatal” (roll of ancestors) of Ari the Wise in his Íslendingabók (early 12th century), part 1 and part 2
19. Þáttr af Ragnars sonum (The Family of Ragnarr loðbrók in The Tale of Ragnarr's Sons).
20. Ragnars saga loðbrókar (The Family of Ragnarr loðbrók in The Saga of Ragnarr loðbrók).
21. Völsunga saga and Poetic Edda
22. Sögubrot af nokkrum fornkonungum (The Skjöldung genealogy in the Sögubrot)
23. Arngrímur Jónsson, Rerum Danicarum fragmenta (1596), (The Skjöldung genealogy in the Fragments of Danish History, part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, and part 5.
24. Arngrímur Jónsson, Ad Catalogum Regum Sveciae (1596), (The Skjöldung genealogy in the Catalogue of the Kings of Sweden, part 1, part 2).
25. Arngrímur Jónsson, Supplementum Historiae Norvegicae (1597), (The Skjöldung genealogy in A Supplement on the History of Norway, part 1, part 2, part 3, and part 4, and Descendents of Fornjótr in A Supplement on the History of Norway part 1, part 2, part3).
26. Hrólfs saga kraka (The Skjöldung genealogy in the Saga of Hrolf kraki)
27. Saxo Grammaticus
28. Flateyjarbók, Orkneyinga saga. The genealogy in the “Fundinn Noregr” (Ancestry of the Earls of Orkney in the “Foundation of Norway,”part 1 and part 2). The genealogy of the Earls of Orkney in the Orkneyinga saga). The genealogy of the Earls of Orkney according to the Heimskringla.


1. Manuscript dated to 1387-1394
2. Manuscript dated to 975-1025.

Genealogies found in by William Searle (1899) and Heimskringla edited by Morris and Magnússon (1905)

1. The genealogy of Ragnar Lodbrog from William George Searle, Anglo-Saxon Bishops, Kings and Nobles (Cambridge, University Press, 1899).
2. The genealogy of Anglo-Danish Kings from William George Searle, Anglo-Saxon Bishops, Kings and Nobles (Cambridge, University Press, 1899), 345-55.
3. Genealogy of the Kings of Denmark found in William Morris and Eiríkr Magnússon, The stories of the kings of Norway called the Round world (Heimskringia), vol. IV (London, B. Quaritch, 1905), genealogies table III.
4. Genealogy of the Kings of Sweden found in Morris and Magnússon, The stories of the kings of Norway called the Round world, genealogies table IV.
5. Genealogy of the Russian alliance with England and Scandinavia found in Morris and Magnússon, The stories of the kings of Norway called the Round world, genealogies table V.
6. Genealogy of the Earls of Mere and Dukes of Normandy found in Morris and Magnússon, The stories of the kings of Norway called the Round world, genealogies table VI.
7. Genealogy of the Earls of Orkney found in Morris and Magnússon, The stories of the kings of Norway called the Round world, genealogies table VII.
8. Genealogy of the Earls of Ladir found in Morris and Magnússon, The stories of the kings of Norway called the Round world, genealogies table IX.

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